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PostPosted: Sun 0:00, 08 May 2011    Post subject: Franklin and Marshall uk Nylon plant in Xiamen Eas

Nylon plant in Xiamen East Lun Group external melt ice storage air conditioning systems

060,000 yuan, the actual use of the ice storage solutions can save on operating costs 967,600 yuan, saving rate was 26.65%, the economy is very conspicuous. Regulation, which can be any ice-melting rate of ice melting. 2.3 Conclusion 3 run electricity to provide information according to the owners in 2007 from May to September, one, two,Franklin Marshall pas cher, three nylon plant external melt ice storage air conditioning system peak power, electricity, the situation shown in Table 4. Table 4 Plant 5 September nylon external melt ice storage air conditioning system peak power and peak power tariff table in January 56789, kWh157400175200199630223400218680 flat battery, kWh153400167410192400220500210800 Valley power, kWh280900316400330400341200335400 total electricity, kWh591700659010722430785100764880 total electricity per 240647267117297025327356318161 Note: The peak current 0 .528 yuan / kWh; level electrical 0528 yuan / kWh: Valley Electric 02,725 yuan / kWh. Calculated according to Table 4, the ice storage system, total electricity consumption from May to September for the 3523120kWh, where low power is 1604300kWh, low power 45.5% of total electricity consumption, electricity, total 1,hollister,450,mulberry tasker,310 yuan. (1) using conductive plastic coil external melt ice storage in the form, the system processes simple, simple control, the investment savings. (2) in the design condition, the external melt ice ice thermal plastic plate temperature is higher than the control of a 6 ℃, ice melting ice performance, stability, speed, water temperature stable. (3) of the ice storage system for low power use rate of more than 45%, shifting the peak effect is obvious. (4) use of independent innovation, the first conductive plastic coil external melt ice storage system is successful. References: 【1] Yong-Lin Chen. Ice storage at low temperature air supply system for the development of key equipment Ⅱ]. Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Electric Power Machinery, 2007, (4). [2】 Leibing Cheng, Dongxing Jie, Yong-Lin Chen. External melt ice storage unit in the development and application of 『J]. Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Electric Power Machinery, 2007, (5). Received date :2007-09-30 Revised :2007-10-08Extra-meltIce-thermal-storageAirConditioningSystematPolyamindFactoryinXiamenDonglunGroupLEIBing-cheng, DONGXing-jie, WANGNian-sai, LINBao-cheng2, HUANGShao-yong2 (1.StatePowerMachineryInstitute, Hangzhou310030, China ; 2.XiamenDongtunGroup, Xiamen361100, China) Abstract: Introducedthedesigningschemeandcharacterofextra - meltice - thermal - storageairconditioningsystematpolyamindfactoryinXiamenDonglunGroup. Thefirstapplicationofconductiveplasticicecoilonextra-meltsystemwhichwasinnovatedindependentlyisprovedtobesuccessfulbytherunningparameter, andthatishelpfultothespreadofthistechnology. Keywords: icethermalstorage; extra-melticesystem; conductiveplasticicecoil; airconditioningsystem Author: Leibing Cheng (1966), male, master, senior engineer, the main research directions: storage air conditioning systems and equipment; Dongxing Jie (1972 a),Franklin and Marshall uk, male, master,magasin abercrombie, Senior Engineer, the main research directions: storage air conditioning systems and equipment. 84I No. P


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