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PostPosted: Sun 0:04, 08 May 2011    Post subject: ed hardy suomessa Participation under the excitati

Participation under the excitation of chaotic nonlinear vibration system

Chaotic conditions there , or both meet } Second, almost periodic movement first failure ,ed hardy suomessa, after increasing excitation amplitude,Oakley Briller, and into the chaotic reference lNa ~ ehAH,abercrombie et fitch, MookDT. Nonlinearoscilintions. JohnWileySons, l9792LuQS, TbCWS. Principalresonanceofanonlinearstemwithtwo · frequencyparametrleandself-excitation. NonlinearDynamics, 1991; 2} 419-4443 garlic king of rock . London shake parameter nonlinear vibration system under the Gateway Bifurcation and Chaos . PhD thesis , Tianjin University ,abercrombie günstig, 19934YagasakiK, SakataM, KimuraK. Dynamicsofaweaklynonlinears ~ temsubjectedtocomb_medparametricandexternaIexcitation. Ttans. ASNIE. JApp1. Mech. . 1990f57: ZO9-2l75YagasBkiK. Chaosinweaklynonlinearoscilintorwithparametricandexternalresort & rice. Trans. AE. jJApp1. Meeh. , 199l; 58I244 - 2506 Qiu make . AC reference excitation by the electromagnetic force , strong joint resonance. Mechanics , 1989; 21 (1) :49-577WiggictsS. Globalbffueationaandchaos - analyticalmethods. Springer-Vering,magasin abercrombie, 1988ChaosofNonlinearVibrationParametrieandExternalSystemsunderExeitationChenYushu (DepartmentofMechanics, TianjinUniversityTinnjin-300072) WangDeshiYudun (MechanicalCollege, HuazhongUniversityofScienceandTechnologyhan, 430074) AbstractThemainsubharmonicreDonRcecondltio bleed at the nose oftheV & llderP01 a Dullingoscillatorexcitedbyc0. birmtionofaparametricexcitationandanexternalexcitationareobta_medbymultiple8calesmethod. TheMelnikovfurmtionisusedtodetectthedistanceetweenthehomoclinicandheteroelinicorbitsoftheav-eragingsystems. Ithaeenprovedthatthemouflon * ofamplitudeandphasediseribedbytheaveragingsys-ternischaotic. Twokindsofl ~ OUtstOchaC ~ arefurtherdiscussedbycons ~ eHngthenumericalresults-whichrevealtheroutsfromquasi. perindicmotiontochaos. Keywords, nonlinearvibration; chaosiresonan ~ ivanderPnl-Dullingoscillator, MelnilovJsfunction the first son of Shu M Chen , Professor , in March 1931 students.


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