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PostPosted: Sun 2:53, 08 May 2011    Post subject: Ed Hardy mexico Foundation with inclined interface

Foundation with inclined interface wave dispersion characteristics of Love

016) (0.49, a O.023) 10 (2.66, ~ 0.018) (1.59, a 0.019) (1.09,magasin abercrombie, a 0.022) (0.83, 10 .025) (0.66, a 0.030) (0.50,Franklin and Marshall uk, a O.045) 15. (2.66, a 0.027) (1.60, a 0.028) (1100.031) (0840.036) (O.67,Ed Hardy mexico, a 0.044) (0.51, one O064) 1 XIA Tang on behalf of the other: the foundation of ancient tilted interface dispersion characteristics Love Frog Rana Mi King Figure 2Love spot displacement curve, 00.4 spot 0. ax / / - / t Figure 3 and the relationship /. 0l displacement (a) first mode (b) s = modal displacement distribution in Figure 4 (n a 10., C = 15). For layered soils, when the angle is not similar with the conclusions of the foundation layer (of a cross-section), where no examples are given. '3 Conclusion In this paper,Óculos Oakley, the finite element method and analytical method to establish a foundation with inclined layers Love eigenvalue equation, and use this analysis to discuss the foundation of the Love of the class, draw the following conclusions 1 I. For a cross section of the interface angle a little, the dispersion curve. 10. When the difference is small. . > O. ,louboutin københavn, The wave number of the imaginary part ~ small negative slow wave attenuation along the positive direction; mouth <O. When the imaginary part of wave number is a small positive number, the slow wave increases along the positive direction of vibration of the zygomatic 2 rate for a given wave, the phase obtained at different points at different speeds, so the test can make use of the surface wave method of Vibration Engineering Volume 11 features of the foundation to assess the presence of tilted layers. 1 XIA Tang on behalf of the reference paper dipped OF THEORETICAL Hao Shiming. Qi transition in layered soil dispersion characteristics of Love. Zhejiang University, 1992j26 (Suppl) :75-812 XIA Tang generation, Hao Shiming. Fin ~ eelementmethodforlovewavedispersioninsoils. In: Third International Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, wooden discussion 'CLP proceedings, the United States t1995 :713-718 .3 AC a, Ai Long roots, Ge Ge translation. Elastodynamics (Book), Beijing: Petroleum Industry Press, 19844 XIA Tang generation. Ground Surface and its Applications. [Dissertation]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Department of Civil Engineering, 1992, on behalf of t XIA Tang Hao Shiming. Love surface calculated by crossing the dynamic response of the foundation. Vibration Engineering, 1993 {6 (4) :349 - 359 XIA Tang generation, Zhang Miao, Hao Shiming. Love surface crossing dynamic response characteristics of further study. Vibration Engineering, 1996 ~ 9 (3) :281-285DispersionCharacteristicsofLoveWaveinLayeredSoilswithSloppingLayersXiaTangdaiWuShimingChertHanliangHuXiaoqiangWeiXinjiang (DepartmentofCivilEngineeringtZhejiangUniversityHangzhou, 310027) AbstractTheformulationofLovewavesecularequationanddisplacementdistributioninlayeredsoilswithslopinglayersisdevelopedbyusingfiniteelementmethodandanalyticalmethodinthispaper. ThedispersioncharacteristicsanddisplacementdistributionofLovesurfacewaveinsuchsoilsflxediscussedandcomparedwiththoseofhorizontallylayeredsoils = 0). Keywords, soildynamics; Lovesurfacewave) sodswithsloppinglayerscsecularequation) dispersioncurve XIA Tang on behalf of the first of the men, cut, Professor of Health in February 1965. CL'C


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