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Posted: Sun 3:00, 08 May 2011 Post subject: louboutin københavn Ground motion spectrum of smal |
Ground motion spectrum of small nonlinear response of arch
nse. Proc. ofthe10thWCEE, Madrid, Spain ,louboutin københavn,1992:835 - 844 Li Yingmin, Yangpu and XIA flow. Non-stationary ground motion frequency characteristics of the nonlinear response of the structure of the significance of impact analysis. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Beijing: China Earthquake Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Architects. 1998:475-4813 Wang Junjie, Zhou Jing. Evolutionary random process model based on the synthesis of seismic waves. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,ed hardy bikinit, 1997; 17 (2) :16-21.4 weeks crystal. Wang Junjie. Time-frequency signal analysis of a several ways. World Earthquake Engineering. 1995; 11 (1) :15-2O5QianS. ChenD. SignalrepresentationusingadaptivenormalizedGaussianfunction. SignalProcessing,mulberry taske, 1994; 36 (7) :2429-24396 Wang Jiwei. Wu Changhai. Axis equivalent uniaxial strain of concrete constitutive model. Hohai University,ropa ed hardy, 1999; 27 (4): 2O A 257 Li Jing. High arch dam seismic stress and stress control standard of _ [Dissertation]. Dalian: Dalian University of Technology Civil Engineering College, 1999EffectsofTime-FrequencyJointNon-StationarinessontheResponseofArchDamChenJianyunLiJing (StateKeyLab.ofCoastalandOffshoreEngineering, ZhouJingLinGaoDalianUniversityofTechnologyDalian, 116024) AbstractAdaptivespectrogrammethodofjointtime-frequencyanalysisisusedtOstudythenon-stationarypropertiesofseis-micgroundmotions. Theparametersoffrequency-dependentmodulatingfunctionareobtainedstatisticallybasedontheadap-tivespectrogramanalysisofseismicrecordsofSanFernadoearthquake (1971). Bothmathematicalmodelsofuniformmodula-tionrandomprocessandevolutionaryrandomprocessareusedtOgenerateartificialseismicacceleration. Thedynamicre-sponseanalysisofa300meterhigharchdamsubjectedtOtheartificialseismicexcitationsisstudiedandcomparedtOpredicttheeffectofnon-stationaryseismicmotion. Thecalculationresultsshowthatthenon-stationaryfrequencypropertyofseismicgroundmotionhasgreateffectsonthedynamicresponseofnonlinearstructures. Keywords: nonlinear; earthquake; archdam; non-stationary; adaptivespectrum COMPUTATIONAL the first of the male,abercrombie milano, associate professor of Health in December 1968. Tel: (0411) 4707541 (h). (0411) 4707805-210 (o); E-mail: eerdO01 @ dlut. edU. cn
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