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PostPosted: Sun 3:48, 08 May 2011    Post subject: Ed Hardy mexico Based on the structure of the syst

Based on the structure of the system vibration response characteristics of fuzzy control rules and Emulation Analysis

Choose the reasonable control and touch-type and blur parameters for optimizing the fuzzy controller in the design of three equally important role. Therefore, how to establish a reasonable fuzzy rules should be given the same attention. (2) a reasonable fuzzy rules, must be charged with the structure of in-depth analysis. Response analysis based on structural features,ed hardy danmark, can effectively control rules designed blur. (3) fuzzy control can effectively control the seismic response control effect on the linear structure close to the IQ control effect. However,christian louboutin sko, fuzzy control does not rely on accurate dynamic model and thus have better adaptability. Reference to the text ■ 1SongTTActiveStructurecontroltheoryandpractice. NewYork: LongmanScientific & Technical, 19902YangJN-AkbarpourA, GhaemmaghamlP. Newcontrolalgorithmsforstructuralcontro1. ASCEJournalofEngi-neeringMechanies,mbt shoes sale, 1987; 113: l369-13863SpencerBF, ChristensonR,Ed Hardy mexico, DykeSJ. Nextgenerationbenchmarkcontrolproblemforseimicaliyexcitedbuild-ings. In} ProceedingsoftheSecondWorldConferenceonStructuralContro1. Kyoto. JAPAN. June28 a July1,magasin abercrombie, 19984 Sun Zengqi. Intelligent Control Theory and Technology. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. 1997otohikoYamada, eta1. Activevibrationcontrolusingfuzzytheory. FirstWorldConfereneeonStructuralCon-tro], August a 19946HhoshiFuruta-eta1. ApplicationofgeneticalgorithmstOself-tuningoffuzzyactivecontrolforstructuralvibra-tion. FirstWoddCo. rerenceonStructuralC0ntro1. Au. gust, 19947 Zouzu Jun. Structural vibration blur state control method. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2000; 3FuzzyControlLawEstablishmentBasedonStructuralCharacteristicResponseandItsNumericSimulationWangGangOudinping (SchoolofCivdEngineering-HarbinInstituteofTechnologyHarbin.150090) AbstractInthispaperamethodofgeneratingcontrollawsforstructuralfuzzycontrollerbasedonanalysesofcharacteristicresponseispresented. Athree · storysteelframeisusedtovalidatethismethodandtheresultsarecomparedwiththatofLQGcontro1] erKeywords: vibrationcontrol} fuzz) 'control; characteristicresponse: controlrules; numericsimulation s - ~ g were Wang Gang, a man and a doctoral student born in 1972. Tel: (0451) 2364020 ~ E · mail: gangwang @ 045]. com


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