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PostPosted: Fri 4:05, 03 Dec 2010    Post subject: rosetta stone sale Cost risk analysis and assessme

Cost risk analysis and assessment of satellite

Method to improve accuracy. (5) In addition to the above measures, but also pay attention to the timeliness of funding as planned. 5 Conclusion In this paper, the cost of satellite engineering staff the root cause of the risk analysis of the satellite cost analysis and evaluation of practical significance. A clear source of satellite cost and type of uncertainty, based on the proposed technical risk characterization and risk estimation methods describe the combination of comprehensive risk assessment of satellite cost ideas. This article describes the current internationally accepted method of risk analysis of several classes, respectively,rosetta stone sale, the characteristics of satellite engineering, analysis of their advantages and disadvantages, given the characteristics of a combination of improved satellite satellite project cost risk analysis. The method described in the technical risk and better cost implications. And methods to estimate the risks of cost (ie the model mean square error) with treatment, to make it more realistic. Finally,ugg milano, given the risk reduction and cost control principles and methods. References: [1] JamesRWeft2,ugg boots billig, WileyJ. Larson. ReducingspaceMissioncost. Microo ~ smPtess, 1994.12 [2] BenjaminBuchbinder. TheNAS & RiskManagementPm-gram. AIAA. 90-3769CPL3] TboreasEShaw. AnOverviewofRiskManagementTechniques, MethodsandApplicationIn: IAF. 1nter ~ a-tiona1. AstronauticalCongress,stivali ugg, 47th, Bing. 1997,rosetta stone cheap,7 [4] noble Chinese Space Science and Technology, 1993,13 (4): 30 【5JFERRANTEM, BARADELL0M, FOLTRAND. RiskA. ~ SessmentMethodologyinSupportofRiskManagement. In: IAF. 48thInternationalAstronauticalCongress. Turln, 1997,6.6] Wang Zhaoyao satellite project cost analysis and management of Tsinghua University, Vol. 1997.5RiskAnalyzingandEvaluatingofSatelliteEngineeringCostLiYijun, WangZhaoyao, QianJin (ManagementCollege, HarbinInstituteofTechnology, Harbin150001) AbstractSatelliteengineeringisalarge-scaleandoamplicatedsystemengineeringwithlongtimespa::, andvariedin-determinatefactorringonveryhighriskofcost. ItsquiteproblemtobesolvedurgentlyinthemanagementofsatellitedevelopingthathowtheriskofsatelliteengineeringcostcanbeevaluatedeffectivelyItstartswithanalyzingtheuncertaintyofsatelliteCOStandexistedriskanalysismethods, thenonthebaseofitputforwardapracticalandimprovedmethodadaptedtotheriskmanagement0fsatelliteo3st. Finallythisarticlepresentstheprincipleandmethodofreducingandcontrollingtheriskofcost. Keywords: Satelliteengineering, Riskanalysis a 81 -


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