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PostPosted: Tue 2:48, 11 Jan 2011    Post subject: moncler günstig Ceiling principles of universal r

Ceiling principles of universal rolling process of heavy rail in the average temperature calculation

81O98.51O99. O1O92.51O73. O1065.0 Table 8 heavy rail shuttle between the rack in the temperature drop Tab. 8Thetemperaturedropofworkpieceforshuttlingbetweenthetwoadjacentstands shuttle temperature drop / ~ c shuttle passes the waist rail bottom rail cap rail head measured data principle finite element method finite element method measured ceiling principle of maximum principles of finite element method for the data measured data UR1 ~ UR219.717.525. O16.518.82O. O17.621.524.0UR2 ~ UR32O. 423.529. O17.518.421. O19.819.522. O [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] References Li Chao, Ma Yong Lin et al. Heavy rail rolling slab deformation finite element simulation EJ]. Plasticity Engineering, 2005.12 (6) :20-22-Hangzhou is often, and Zeng Ning et al. Temperature drop of hot-rolled heavy rail section model EJ]. Natural Science, Wuhan University of Technology, 2001.24 (1) :13-15 Xu Xiumei, Zhang Chi, Xie Hong Biao. Corrugated waist rail track rolling simulation and experimental study [J]. China Mechanical Engineering, 2005.16 (12) :1103-1106 Wang Zhe: H-beam rolling deformation characteristics and mechanical parameters [D]. Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute, Master of Engineering thesis ,1984.9:20-35 Jin Xiaoguang: H section steel rolling process, experimental and theoretical study [D]. Yanshan University, Master of Engineering thesis, Zhu Chunqing ,1990.3:20-35: H section steel rolling process modeling and process planning Mathematical programming [D]. Yanshan University, Master of Engineering thesis, 199l_1 Zhouqing Tian, Zhang Zhi, were house-rich. Variations in the H beam universal rolling temperature calculation [J]. China Mechanical Engineering, 2000.1l (6) :678-681WZhang, CZhu, GEOWidera. Ontheuseoftheup-pePboundmethodforloaddeterminationinH-beam [9] [1O] [111 [12] E13] rolling [C]. J. Mater. Proc. Tech. ,1996.56:820-833YLee,moncler günstig, SChoi. NewApproachforthepredictionofstressfreesurfaceprofileofaworkpieceinrodRolling [C]. ISlJInt. ,2000.40:624-626YLee, HJKim,stivali ugg, Hwang. Analytica1mode1forthepredictionofmeaneffectivestraininrodrollingprocess [J]. J. Mater. Process. Techno1. ,Moncler online,2001.114:129-138YLee. Ananalyticalstudyofmeanrollradiusinrodrolling [C]. ISlJInt. , 2001.41 (11) :1414-1416DongYonggan,air jordans, ZhangWenzhi, SongJianfeng. Anewanalytica1mode1forthecalculationofmeanrol1radiusinround-oval-roundalloybarrolling [J]. ISlJInt. , 2006.46 (10) :1458-1466DongYonggang,ugg italia, ZhangWenzhi, SongJiangfeng. ANo-ve1ApproachforthePredictionofsurfaceProfileofOutgoingWorkpieceandtheCalculationofMeanRollRadiusInAlloyBarRolling [J]. ActaMetallurgicaSini-ca (EnglishLetter), 2007.20 (1) :49-58


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